
Need some advice ladies. My son is a week and one day old and I am breastfeeding haven't had any problems up until this evening when he latched on to my left breast he kept spitting it out and fussing like he wasn't getting anything, so I asked his daddy to hold him while I attempted to pump just to see if I was wrong and he just being fussy. Well I started with my right breast for 15 mins and only was able to pump a half ounce which is not normal because normal when I decided to pump I get 1.5-2 ounces so I moved to the left breast and got nothing. Now normally Eli eats ever 2-2 1/2 hours and when I fed thus time it had only been an hour and a half since his last feeding. Could this be why he wasn't able to get anything or could this be a sign of me drying up if so any ideas of what I can do to keep from drying up?