Taking baby to a baseball game

My SO and I have tickets to the dodger game tomorrow night and are considering taking the LO. It's a pretty important game and there will be lots of noise and people. Anyone have any advice either to take her or not? Or if we do decide to take her any tips?
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Chase did great at the red sox game. He slept most of the time, noise doesn't bother them and their ears are no more sensitive than ours are. (I asked the Dr when 4th of July rolled around) so if it doesn't hurt your ears, it won't hurt his :)


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Depends on how sensitive your baby is. Mine does NOT like loud noises. This is how we got through a school band concert 😂


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We took my LO to a Texas Rangers game, but we were inside an air conditioned suite and no loud noises. I wouldn't take him if we had to sit outside with the rest of the crowd with the noise and the sun, plus baseball is so long. 


Susan • Sep 22, 2016
Thank you!


Rachel • Sep 21, 2016
Thanks for your reply! We ended up not taking her.. Since I don't have a carrier anymore since I sold it. Your baby is adorable btw..


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We took mine to an NFL football game. She slept through the whole first half and was perfectly happy the rest of the time!


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My 5 month old has been to 4 major league games already (her first at 7weeks!) She's super nosey so loves the noise and all the people. I suggest wearing baby, so much easier to walk in and around the busy ballpark. And make sure seats are out of the sun or you have somewhere you can go for shade! 


Melissa • Sep 21, 2016
the only bad part was breastfeeding standing up in the restroom and missing the winning home run 😂


Posted at
We took my 4 month old son to a Houston Astros game recently. He did so well. It was loud but it is an indoor stadium. He was so interested in all that was going on. We brought his baby carrier and I used that to walk around with him at one point and he fell asleep. My suggestion is to bring whatever she needs to stay comfortable. (Pacifiers, bottles, teethers, etc) I hope you have a great time!!