We are so blessed to welcome our son into the world

Ashley • Got our rainbow baby BFP! edd: Sept 30, 2016 😁🌈👶🏼
We are so blessed to welcome our son into the world! A healthy lil snuggly boy! 
Our org due date was 9/28 With the plan for a natural as possible birth.
 But the full moon changed all that! My water broke 9/17/16 @ 9:30p with no contractions!! We waited 12 hrs before checking into the hospital. Once there our hospital was very supportive of what we wanted (natural unassisted birth). After making sure mama and baby were OK they kept me on intermediate monitoring and checked me into a room and allowed me to try to get my contractions going on my own. But after 12 hours I was still very slow to progress. So a lil more than 24 hrs of my water breaking, we agreed to a very small dose of pitocin. It got things going and we tried our best to sleep through night. 
Then around 4a Monday my contractions started to really come alive and consistent. My hospital was great and allowed us to active labor. My blood pressure raised so I had to be kept on the monitor. But I was still able to stand and be active during my labor. I found sitting on the birthing ball and leaning forward into the bed to be most helpful. I also enjoyed kneeling forward into the couch or bed. 
Mid morning came around and I was dilated 7/8 and fully effaced. But I was exhausted! And entering the transition phase. I wanted to tap out. But my Amazing doctor knew I didn't want an epidural. And instead gave me an IV drip med drug that "took the edge off" (it wasn't analgesics or Demerol, started with an S). It allowed me to sleep and rest for the next two hours while I finished dialating the rest of the way. It was a life saver! By the time it wore off and my contractions woke me up, I was ready to push! 
After about an hour of pushing he finally came out! I did have to have an Episitomy bc I was so swollen my doc was afraid I'd tear bad. It was considered a 2nd degree tear. My doc was going to let me keep trying without it but I wanted him out so I told her to cut me. 
39hrs after my water broke, we had our baby boy.
The hardest thing I have ever done in my life .. but it was worth it! 
Killian Michael Ranslow
DOB: 09/19/2016 @ 12:39p
Weight: 8lb 0oz
Length: 20.5 inches