I think I've loved him to an end.

My guy has been the love f my life for as long as I can remember. We've had our ups and our downs but I never stopped loving him. He was the one I compared other guys to. Now I have no idea why. He's such a jerk. I was out of town for training over the weekend and I called him when I got home. He couldn't talk because he was watching football!!!! He got home from work last night and went to his friends house. I called him because it was getting late and I hadn't heard from him. He was watching football. He never does anything for me anymore. He's even become selfish in bed. I don't think there's anyone else but something is definitely up. He wants sex all the time but it's all about him. He does things to annoy me and thinks it's funny when I'm mad. We can't talk about serious things because I'm always wrong. I kept hoping that I was being sensitive but I think I've finally loved him to an end. I think I'm ready to move on and meet a guy who will appreciate me and everything I have to offer. When we broke up in the past I always felt like it wasn't over. We would come back together. No matter what. I always believed our love was enough, but now I know I was wrong. I told him I wanted to be married before we lived together and he told me that he didn't want to be forced into marriage. Who says that when you really want to marry the person you're with? No one. He tried to change it and said that weddings are expensive. I told him I didn't care if the ring came from a quarter machine. All that mattered was that we were together. He said he did because he likes to have the best of everything. Mind you, he's broke. That really changed things in my heart. I want a guy who shows up with flowers because I'm sad or who buys me chocolate just because he was thinking of me. A guy who knows that everything I do for him is because I care. I had a guy like that once and I tossed him aside to give my jerk another chance. How stupid was I!