Elderly Father 😥


So my father is 78 and is a very stubborn man. For the past week he's been feeling sick (runny bose, sneezing, breathing hard, coighing, headache, stomachache) and according to him his doctor told him he's not sick it's allergies. At this point I'm not sure what to do? I mean he can take care of himself and fully function until he starts drinking...this morning my SO found my him on the floor in the livingroom by the front door; my SO helped my dad to the couch and my dad told him not to tell me that he fell. I know for a fact he's been drinking because the whiskey bottle is nearly half empty this morning! Apparently my fathers own boss told him to drink to feel better because "he'll sleep it off".

I'm not trying to stress about this, but I can't physically help my dad if he falls again and I just need some advice.

*I already took the bottle and hid it in my bedroom*