Pregnancy Worries

So I am currently 4 weeks pregnant. I miscarried back in March at 13 weeks. I never had any spotting or discharge or any cramping we found out about the loss at our ultrasound. We never got to hear the heartbeat. My husband and I took the loss of baby Addison very hard. Yes we had already picked out her name and this isn't my first pregnancy I knew it was a girl. Mothers intuition. But now after trying consecutively we are blessed with another baby. God has been so gracious and really heard our prayers. I'm very early along but I only have occasional nausea and I still have to pee all the time but I'm terrified because sometimes I just don't feel pregnant and then I do and I know most of this might be in my head and I know every pregnancy is different Bc my daughter who is 5 I was sick every day and I was too with baby Addison before we lost her and  I guess I'm just looking for common ground if any other mom had experienced this feeling. All I have been doing is praying and taking extra good care of myself as always