Birth Photography

Hi Mommas! My husband and I are expecting our first baby in January (it's a boy!!). But I've run into a small problem. I'm big into taking photographs of our life to document important memories, but my husband has already requested that it just be him and I for the delivery (which I'm ok with). BUT, he's not willing to snap pictures for fear of missing the birth of his son (don't blame him, I want his full attention too). But I was going to see what you all would suggest. I'm a labor and delivery nurse on the same unit that I'm delivering on, so I was hoping my Co workers could take a few extra pics here and there. But that's my only idea unless my hubby will allow my sister in (who takes professional quality pics). Any of you doing a birth photographer? (Which I think is stupidly expensive). Or family members? Or no pictures at all? Thanks!