Why Is Saying "Black Lives Matter" Controversial?


I've never understood how someone saying their life mattered was a controversial topic. How do people have a problem with someone saying their life matters? Why does saying "black lives matter" make people uncomfortable? I have no idea where people are getting "saying black lives matter is saying your life matters more than everyone else's". It isn't saying that at all. For example, if your significant other said you were beautiful, in that statement did they ever say all other women are ugly?

How come people have no problem saying "all lives matter" or "blue lives matter", but it is too controversial to say "black lives matter"? If people were saying "all lives matter" before anyone had to say "black lives matter", there would be no problem. But that isn't the case. The sole purpose of saying "all lives matter" is basically a phrase used to silence a group of people. A group of people who, in the United States, were not even considered human for hundreds of years. Everyone keeps saying "that was a long time ago. Get over it". It wasn't that long ago because my living grandmother was out marching with MLK for basic human rights. Just because laws have changed doesn't mean people's mindsets have.

One thing I have noticed is some of the people who say "all lives matter" will start their sentence off by saying "black lives don't matter". Then, to support that, they try to justify these unjust killings, and then bring up many problems with the Black community with no solutions. I am a firm believer in if you have no intention to provide solutions to these problems, don't speak of them to support your ignorant cause.

I'm just not understanding the issue with the phrase.

When the Pulse nightclub shooting happened, everyone had a heart. We all felt sympathy towards the victims. People that are not a part of the LGBT community had no problem post their flag. No one tried to compare tragedies. We knew there were other things going on in the world, but for that moment we focused on the Pulse nightclub victims.

But when people say "black lives matter", people love to bring up other tragedies, and say things like "well, not only black people are being killed", they love to bring up unnecessary statistics, and love trying to justify these people deaths. But when Pulse happened, everyone somehow found a heart and found sympathy. They didn't say "well, gay people aren't the only ones being killed".

If you don't understand the purpose in saying "Black Lives Matter", all it takes is a few minutes out of your day to ask someone instead of jumping to conclusions. But when you ask, you have to be willing to open your ears, mind, and heart.

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Whitney • Oct 14, 2016
It's my fault. That was an incomplete thought. I was just saying I miss Robin Williams, too. Lol


Sh • Oct 14, 2016
Oh! Hahaha fair enough


Whitney • Oct 14, 2016
I know who that is in the picture. Lol I was responding to Deborah.


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To the "not all cops" detractors who continue to completely miss the point.


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When people say all lives matter lol


Whitney • Sep 20, 2016
People love silencing victims.


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Because brainwashed idiots that don't have a brain and must live in a box assume that when you say black lives matter it means that no other race of people matter. I can tolerate a lot of things, but inhumanity and injustice is not one of them and when people willingly choose to turn a blind eye to the disgust going on, it really annoys me. 


Whitney • Sep 22, 2016
I know what you mean. I try to give them a glimpse into our world, but they continuously deny our experiences. I try to reiterate thread you don't have experience something for it to be happening, but the don't think that's true. I try to explain in analogies, simple analogies, they still don't get it. I don't know what else to say at this point other than I hope God softens their hearts. Hopefully one day someone will take our words into consideration.


Jess • Sep 21, 2016
Just shuts off and you become the dumbest blind person in the world when it comes to blacks. I just think it has to be because you are brainwashed and that dumb. And I'm not even trying to be mean it's just the truth


Jess • Sep 21, 2016
So be it. I'm no longer concerned with who gets it and who doesn't at his point. If you don't get it by now, I just feel sorry for you because something is seriously wrong with he way you process info. If you can understand gay ppl, understand an ape, understand a dog, it's silly that your brain


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Beats the hell out of me. It shouldn't be controversial. Racists? It's usually because racists honestly. 


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Because to agree with "black lives matter" you have to firstly recognise racism. And some people are find that way too uncomfortable to deal with. So instead they try to make "educational" points on a topic that they're practically completely uneducated on. And when people are uneducated and don't want to educate themselves, they find the need to derail to topics that they feel more educated on. And I think that's why "all lives matter" and "blue lives matter" exists. There's also this apparent need (?) to never viewing black people as victims but rather perpetrators. I think those types of racist beliefs also incorporate into it. And honestly I imagine there's many racist folk who don't believe black live matter 😷As for Pulse, like I'm with you. I think that generally, way more people will openly admit that they support the LGBT+ community over supporting Black Lives Matter. However I don't think that allies put enough work in (generally). What I personally noticed with Pulse was the media need to focus more on white,  cismen gay people. Very little was mentioned about the Latinx population that were murdered. Very little was mentioned on transgender people, women, or non-get sexual orientations. There was also this need for cishet people to make it about them and claim it was a terrorist attack on America rather than the LGBT+ community. Terrorist also wouldn't have been the label used if the attacker didn't have a link to Islam.Basically, I think Pulse got the media coverage and sympathy it did because there were white cismen to focus on. 


Whitney • Sep 20, 2016
I agree 100% 👏👏👏


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For anyone confused as to why we are reminding you our lives matter.


Ash ★★★ • Sep 20, 2016


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Because people think saying black lives matter means "only black lives matter" instead of "black lives matter, too". 


Whitney • Sep 20, 2016
All you have to do is ask. Or do a quick Google search. It doesn't take much to get informed on a subject.


Sh • Sep 20, 2016
But who's fault is that? We never said only our lives mattered, but these All Lives and Blue lives supporters are becoming a real problem for us.


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Because they can't stand to not be the center of attention. If we're focusing on black lives, we're not focusing on their precious white ones. 


Whitney • Sep 21, 2016
I'm sure they are.


Ash ★★★ • Sep 21, 2016
So, so sad. It sounds like the black officers are experiencing internalized racism.


Whitney • Sep 21, 2016
I know. Even when the police officers spoke, who were also black, they basically said the same thing, & then told us next time we see a police officer to that them. For what? Doing their job? They didn't even acknowledge the shootings. They just continuously said how they weren't bad officers.


Posted at
Preach girl. Hope this post helps those who haven't looked outside their own perspective and experiences yet.