stop shaming young moms.

Us young moms (I'm 19) We're critized for not going to college after a baby, but if we do go to college we get critized about leaving our babies because we won't always be there for their big milestones. 
We get told we have to put our dreams on hold so raise our babies, but that's our only true way to provide for them. If we don't go to college we get critized for not providing as well as we should be, by providing by a McDonald's job etc. I don't understand, I'm tired of telling someone I'm going to school and I need one more year to get A.A bc I have to provide for my little one, most of the time I get bashed on it & get questions like "wow you are really leaving him at 6 months for school?" "You're going to miss so much" "you're kinda a bad mom, he probably won't even recognize you by the time you're done" that one hurt a lot when said by my sister. But before I was even in college I was thinking getting a job to help my bf provide I would be the "really how are you going to support a baby with a minimum wage job" 
Instead of helping young moms succeed, people are constantly bashing on us. I can't go to the store with my baby on hip and get dirty looks and people whispering about me. Yes I had a baby! No I'm not being irresponsible, I'm going to school, I'm working my butt off in theses classes, doing my homework at night so when I get home from school I can be with my baby. My bf works from 8am-10pm everyday so I can just focus on school and taking care of my baby. 
We are trying so hard to be the best moms out here even if we are young, but society doesn't allow that with the constant criticism.