possible leaking at 35 weeks

Just a little advise, this is my 2nd baby and I'm 35 weeks today. With my first I never had an symptoms or issues so some of these feelings are new to me.. But.. For the last 2-3 days I have noticed my panties are damp.. Not soaking wet.. Not discharge.. Just damped and moist.. I thought maybe the baby was just on my bladder and I was leaking urine a little.. But today i decided to smell it and it doesn't smell like anything. So I went to the bathroom and emptied my bladder completely then wiped really well.. I say there for a few more minutes and wiped again and there was clear fluid and again it didn't smell like urine or anything for that matter... Should I go to l&d to get checked? Or call my doctor? Should I stay on the safe side or just wait for my next appointment? Ugh the joys of pregnancy! 
I spoke with my doctor and he is sending me to labor and delivery to be checked and monitored.