Are all Dads lazy with their babies? 😡

I might just murder my SO if he says that all I do is sleep all day again! Our son is 18 days old and I don't even get 6 hours of sleep in a day because our baby cries everytime I put him down and I'm too paranoid to sleep with him in our bed. I've been kind enough to let my SO sleep during the night for work because I'm on maternity leave so I'm up like every two hours, often more. I even have to get up with the baby on weekend nights when he's off because he'll pretend not to hear him or let him cry it out. I'm also changing the majority of the diapers even when he is home. And forget about me getting a break when he gets home.. He'll either hand the baby to me and say he's hungry or let him lay there and cry.. I'm so fed up feeling like I have no help. Sorry just had to rant. Lack of sleep is turning me into a crazy woman. 😫