need advice (long)

You ladies respond much better then those on the bump so I'm hoping you all could help me out a little bit. I am 6 weeks 5 days and the last 3 or so days I have been having severe dizzy spells, ( I usually suffer from these so it's not to uncommon) but they seem to be worse now. Usually I can drink a little orange juice and be back on track but that's not even working. My appetite is so far gone. I know I need to eat but I can't even get myself to eat. I haven't started morning sickness yet thankfully but the way I feel it's like ok come on you have a baby growing you need to eat. I drink a lot of water but still feel super dehydrated. I'm at a loss now I have no clue what to do, should I do broths and stuff that way I'm still getting something in me. Like Lipton soup secrets or something thin. I just don't know... I tried eating a couple pretzels but even those made my head spin (literally) I just don't understand. I am a FTM so I'm all new..