Only took 4 pushes!

I was induced at 5am yesterday at 39+4 due to gestational diabetes and macrosomia(big baby) I was already having contractions when we were hooked up to the monitor so they waited to start pitocin until 530. I was progressing very quickly and was dialated to a 5-6 by 9 am (i came in at a 3). Then my cervix stopped dialating. I had not had any pain medication and i was hurting something fierce. They doubled the pitocin (i was only on the minimum dose) and then I decided it was time for pain medicine as I couldnt talk and could barely breath theough contractions. They doubled my pitocin again and then the s*** hit the fan. I was moaning through contractions trying to break my poor husbands hand. The nurse checked me again and I had dialated to a 7(in 6 mins) at this poibt my husband made the call for an epidural as my contractions were 45 seconds long and only only about a min apart(literally felt like one second) so the dr rushed to place my epidural and i could barely sit still from the contractions and i was just moaning into my husbands chest. Once they got it placed they laid me down and i instantly had the urge to push. The nurse checked me and I was dialated to 9.5! (Less than 10 mins from last check) so she got the nicu team in place because there was a tiny bit of meconium in my waters, and my ob and the nurses got ready. Within 2 mins I told them I had to push now. They grabbed my legs and push I did! I pushed 4 times over 6 mins and our baby girl SHOT OUT. The dr barely caught her she came out so fast! And my placenta came out immediately after her. I didnt have any tearing and baby girl was perfectly healthy! She was 8lbs 11ozs and 19.5 inches long. 😊 i am so in love and my husband cant believe how quickly everything went and how hard i pushed her out.