Feeling like yuck

Well im 20w2d and I just feel awful. It seems most everyone else is past this icky feeling and I thought I was but for the past few days not only do I feel halfway nausiated but ive also got poison ivy on my feet and they are so swoll and hot. And to top it off I am feeling very depressed about myself and dont really know who to talk to about it that wont tell me im juat being silly. My roots have grown out like 4 inches so my hair looks awful its been weeks since ive worn makeup none of my clothea fit me anymore and I dont have any extra money to go buy new pregnancy clothes. And I feel my baby every once in a while but not like most other mothers.. I weigh 215lbs and im 5'8 so is it because im too over weight? I feel like im so huge I should have my own gravitational pull! Ugh! Guess im just looking to find someone to talk to who may be feeling the aame as me :(

This is my first baby and im 22years old.