

So I'm recently separated from my bf, he ran off with another women..I'm feeling low n an ex of mine (10 years ago) got in contact n was saying about getting together etc. Now we have a few big opposites, he smokes pot, I'm anti drugs I tried to block that out n tonight he came over. Not going to lie, I was in the mood for just some meaningless sex but we had a bit of a fool around, only for me to discover that he has a much smaller penis then I he drank so much alcohol that he stopped things as he needed to pee n while he was gone, I got my clothes on m told him I needed to go to bed n called him a he's test me, saying that he is happy that we are back together etc..fuck! I'm too old for this shit, I just wanted some fun!!

Sorry for long essay but I needed to Vent. I can't be with a pot head