nursing & pumping questions

So my baby is one week old. I've been breast feeding from the start. She latched wonderfully with minimal pain in the hospital. A few days after we got home as my milk came in she wouldn't latch as well. She's a pretty strong new born and flails her arms everywhere making it hard to get her to get a good latch, and when she tries to, she lets go constantly and won't stay on. She's getting the milk bc she's pooping enough and it's yellow/seedy like it's suppose to be.  It's also extremely painful for me and I dread feedings bc I bleed and yell in pain and shake when trying to nurse. 
The lactation specialist on the phone said I'm probably engorged (my nipples are almost flat, boobs are firm, and I leak like crazy) she suggested pumping a little to soften the breast for her. That still hasn't seemed to work....  I finally decided to pump and tried bottle feeding her. 
She took the bottle perfectly! Drank it right down. I was able to pump 2 oz. 
My question is... is it possible to just pump? I wanted to start switching over to formula in about a month anyway for when I go back to work, I just wanted to start her off with breast milk as long as possible. I seriously cry every time I nurse her and I hate it. But I also don't want to give up so soon 😣😕