
Hey everyone so I'm going to start with I know I was being stupid. Now that's out of the way my boyfriend is in town and we have been having some sexy time. I stopped taking my bc because it made me feel horrible. I was insisting on using a condem because I was supposed to be extra fertile so I stressed the condem. He wore it the first time but the next time we were both drunk and he opened it but didn't get it on. He is really good about pulling out (usually) and he did pull out. The next morning I had a smell down there like I use to get when I was on bc and he would not pull out. It's been about 4-5 days and I feel extra bloated,nauseous, and heartburn (I have never had heart burn) I'm still 10 days out from my period start date. I would like to take pregnancy test but know it won't show this early. Any advice besides telling me I'm stupid Just worried. Thanks y'all