mole hill vs mountain??

Since I started dating my husband, his sisters didn't like me, they never invited me along with family, I was always the third wheel, couldn't even greet me, let alone have a conversation with me, I had to lift them around and I wouldn't even get a thank you. 2 and a half years of that shit, I had enough, and I started being just as nasty. Things got physical on the day my bf and I were moving in together for the first time, they demanded to help, and on the day, the eldest sister grabbed me by the throat and screamed she was going to Fuck me up. And then made me feel unwelcome in my new house. My mother later that day got hold of the both of the cunts, and gave them bruises. Since then, they have been scarce, I have gotten married to my husband, which only the younger sister was at my wedding. We still do not talk, do not like each other. My husband and I have bought our house now. When he does see his sisters, I am never invited, so he goes alone, and they don't come to our house. Last night he asks me if he can put a picture up of him and his sisters as kids in my house... I'm furious, do u think they have a pic of me? Fuck no, this was all the little sisters idea, meddling in my life again!! But it upset my husband, that I said no, even though I'm sticking to my guns, am I being petty?