help :(

Just need some advice,
Me and my fiancé have been trying for a baba for nearly 2 years now and nothing :( but this time round I feel different. 
I have been feeling sick for like 4 days now I have a lot more sensitivity to smells and gagging a lot, my boobs are massive and very heavy and my nipples are a little sensitive, I am so emotional I cry at the most stupid things I get lower back pain and dizziness quite a lot too I have come out all spotty and I'm exhausted from doing nothing and I keep getting cramps but not severe just uncomfortable but I'm so confused I don't know if I am pregnant or if it's just me in my head hoping that I am cause I want a family so bad. I did a pregnancy test about 10 mins ago and it came back negative (it wasn't the first wee of the day either) I'm due on in 3 days as well but I couldn't wait. 
I just needed to rant because I am getting so low and feel like giving up cause I just think it will never happen :( xx