Completely saddened and devastated...

Courtney • Farm mom of 3 beautiful kiddos ❤️❤️
So the hubby and I have differing views on many things in our lives but we have always managed to comprise (after being friends for more than 15 years it is not always hard to do). When I was pregnant the subject of vaccinations came up. Now I am a strong proponent of them, I acknowledge they have risks and agree that the schedules should be a little more spread out (which I planned on opting for) but I think their benefits far outweigh any concerns for the risks of getting them. My hubby (and a good portion of his family) does not agree with vaccinations (although his brothers and sisters and himself were all vaccinated as children). Initially we agreed on doing a spread out schedule for our son so that he was still being vaccinated but not getting multiple shots in a visit. However, since he has been old enough to get them my husband has changed his mind and it completely against them! 😩😩 I can not in good conscience just go and get them done anyways, so now I sit here in fear and anxiety every day worrying about my LO catching something (I travel a lot for work and he goes with me). Not to mention I was looking forward to having 3 or 4 children but if this is how my hubby is going to be about this I can not have anymore kids. I would not be able to handle the worry and stress, it's hard enough with just one! Urgh... I am sooo upset and heartbroken.. 😭
PS - I know there are plenty of moms here that are anti-vax and that is your choice and I respect that, please respect my right to have an opinion and be pro-vax. Thank you.