Advice/Opinions Needed; Nervous FTM

Ok, this is going to be a bit lengthy but I'm a nervous wreck. I'm a first time momma & am currently 38w1d. Sunday I went in to L&D, after leaking what we worried might be amniotic fluid. I had been having contractions but I didn't feel they were consistent enough to be concerned. When we got to L&D they ran some tests and had me hooked up monitoring my contractions. Apparently I was having contractions more consistently than I thought. I was at a 1 when I was admitted and they ended up letting me come home, I was measuring a 2, but was not progressing fast enough to need to be kept. I followed up with my OB yesterday. I told him about my hospital visit. He went over the results of my lab work (not leaking fluid) and told me everything was progressing nicely, to set up an appointment for next Wednesday, but that he didn't expect me to make it that long. He didn't check me to see if I had dilated further.  
 Now I'm nervous as to when I should go back to the hospital? We live about 1hr & 15 mins from the hospital. Last night my stomach was killing me as if I had a stomach bug but each time I went to the bathroom, nothing happened. Today my stomach & thighs hurt as if I had been working out, but I haven't. How can I tell when I'm getting close or should go to the hospital?