Adderall and Pregnancy

Hey Girls! I wanted to get some advice on taking Adderall during pregnancy. And before all the comments start flying, I DO have an appt with my OBGYN to discuss this but I want to discuss how other soon-to -be moms handled their ADD during pregnancy. 
A few months ago my OBGYN said I can take my Adderall during pregnancy under certain circumstances but we never went into detail because we were not trying then. I've been taking Adderall for about 3 years and it has changed my life. I'm able to focus better, have more energy and actually sleep better than I ever have. I know Adderall has a bad stigma and I'm aware of the addictive nature of the drug, which is why I'm curious (and concerned) about other people's experiences during pregnancy. 
I'm NOT pregnant yet but my husband and I are looking to start trying soon. We want to be able to provide the best environment for a healthy baby but also want to make sure I stay healthy for our baby. My biggest concern is that my doctor will want to take me off completely, which I'm (somewhat) prepared for, but since I have been on the medication for so long I'm worried my body will go through withdrawals, even though I don't abuse the medication. I'm concerned that will make for a stressful pregnancy for both me and baby. 
Please NO bashing or opinions (unless they are true experiences) on this subject. Just want to know about other moms experiences, how you handled your ADD, and of course if your baby was healthy. 