Trying for baby

Lakisha • I am 35, I have 1 Child age 8 and been married for 8 months now. Trying for second child for 3 months now..😍.JAY D. BROWN luv of my life!!
My last period was august 10th, I took a couple of hpt test. Some very faint positive and I one digital negative. Have been having stomach pain, nausea and since yesterday my nipples hurt so bad I can't even have my hubby touch them. My last test was about a week ago, and I want to test again but scared of the BFN but is been a lil over a month since I've had my period. A lot of ppl tell nd I'm preggo, my uncle even told me he dreamed I was preggo and I didn't even tell him I was trying. I don't believe in dreams but if I'm not, something is totally wrong with me. What should I do ppl?