Help! Read my Story!

I'm look for someone who has had a similar situation. I have an HSG done and they said my tubes were blocked. They wanted to remove my tubes and go straight to <a href="">IVF</a>. I refused. I was a lot for me to take in after 3 years of unexplained infertility. I got another opinion and was able to have surgery and my tubes were saved! Praise God! This was last month and we have decided to start trying naturally before we try anything else. I'm at cycle day 35- 4 days late and I'm NEVER late! I took 2 dollar store test and they were negative BUT the next day turned positive!? I took another one yesterday and it was negative. But still, no period. I keep feeling like it's coming but I heard that period symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are alike. I don't know what to think but we are trying for rainbow baby and I really want this! Please share your stories with me!