can I go back to breastfeeding? please help

Marcia • Mommy of 1 beautiful little angel
My breasts are severely engorged and my baby is 3 days old. I wanted to breastfeed only but I didn't plan on it hurting so much. It's to the point where my daughter has a very hard time latching on. I talked to different lactation specialists while I was in the hospital and it seemed like their techniques only worked for me when they gave their assistance other than those times my breastfeeding experience has been very painful. So today I fed my baby using a pump since my nipples are unbelievably sore and a little bruised. But then my baby was crying when I got home and I couldn't pump fast enough so I gave her formula. Is this horrible? Can I go right back to breastfeeding tomorrow if I just formula feed her for one night to help my nipples heal?