Advice Please .

Mayra • IG: _justmayra
Okay , so on Tuesday I had a doctors appointment my doctor gave me birth control . I went to the pharmacy to pick it up and the guy that was working their was going over the pills with me , he asked when was my last period so he can tell me when to take it , but I haven't got my period since July , he asked if I was pregnant I said I wasn't sure . That I doubt it . he got worried and asked to call my doctor because he did not want me taking it . I got home took a pregnancy test . Negative . I called my doctor the scheduled a appointment took a urine test , came out negative as well . They want me to start on my pills . But I'm not so sure if I want to  . I have been having unprotected sex since August . No condom , no pulling out . Etc . My cousin told me to wait to see if I get my period , just in case their is a possibility I could be pregnant . ANY ADVICE YOU GIRLS CAN GIVE ME . ☹️