Yasmin, withdrawal bleeding, and pregnancy?

Hey guys, im on my 4th pack of yasmin bc. I had started my withdrawal bleeding on sept. 19th. Didnt think much of it until now. That it is super super light way lighter than they have been before. Like no tampon is needed just a panty liner that could last most of the day. Well ive had some pretty sore boobs for about 2 weeks. I thought it was the pills. Well today, i had a feeling.... my boobs have been super itchy the last few days and well i was sitting down when i got this familiar tingly feeling on my boobs. (I breastfed both my kids) and it felt lime a let down. So i pulled my bra away. And i am lactating... i hand expressed and the pressure in my boobs went away. And then a bit ago i felt it again... and more was coming out. I take my pill every night between 9pm and 9:15pm. Im also on wellbutrin.. well i guess im kinda curious as to my boobs have never ever leaked before except when i was pregnant with my second child. I know theres always a chance of pregnancy since im having sex. But has anyone been on yasmin and experienced this?? Is it more than likely i am pregnant? Or is it just my pills? I have been feeling a bit off here lately. But i just thought it was bc of my "period"... but bc its so light lighter than anything ive ever had before. (I usually have a medium flow on bc) and a super super heavy flow off of bc. Im gonna buy a test just looking for some insight.