Crazy Girlfriends

Guilty as freaking charged.

Alright ladies- I am in need of advice/opinions. I was in an abusive relationship previously, which I am currently seeing a therapist for. This relationship was not only physical but very much so emotional. IE: name calling, put downs, and cheating. Talking about over 20 women. Some could understand the trust issues I may have.

So currently I've been in a relationship for just a few months. So far he seems like an honest Abe. There's one girl in particular who sends me red flags and a gut wrenching feeling of insecurity. Said girl calls my boyfriend at 11pm to tell him she's pregnant (not by him) but getting an abortion. Said boyfriend answered that phone call, greeted her with, "still got that dude holding you down?", and leaves the room without saying who it is.

A week after her abortion procedure, she tells my boyfriend she would love to come visit. (She lives 3 hours away.)

Boyfriend plans a night of drinking at the bar with just her.

After many arguments about me thinking it's inappropriate for them to spend the evening at the bar WITHOUT me, being as I've never met her, the topic gets dropped for a while.

My boyfriend and this girl dated in highschool very briefly and have hooked up twice since. Both times being when she came to visit him, under the influence of alcohol.

When he first mentioned her and explained who she was, said they'd never slept together.. Which was clearly a lie.

So last night she texts him at 4:30am saying "I need you!!!" And he says she was probably drunk- needing him to talk her out of sleeping with her ex. He was honest with me and came to me about the message, knowing I would flip shit if I saw it myself. But I'm calling bullshit.

They've been friends for over 10 years..

Ladies- anyone else smell bullshit? Or am I just being too paranoid? Honest opinions appreciated.