feeling depressed

Paola • First time mom.
I'm goin through a really hard time of my life right now, this is my first baby, and my parents don't like my boyfriend, they offered us for him to come to Michigan and live here, and get an apparment or a house for us, so today I told my mom that we didn't want to stay here, I want to go back to Texas and live there with my boyfriend, my mom didn't like that much that idea and I haven't told my dad yet .., my biggest problem for me was always disappointed them, but at then that's what I did.. I didn't decide to stay here because me and my boyfriend want to this by ourselves, I don't eat good I honestly hardly eat and I sleep mostly of the time, and I have lost so much weight.. I was in 132 .8 when I find out that I was pregnant, now I am in 125. Now me and my sister don't have a good relationship we fight all the time, I'm not happy there and one day she told me, why can you just leave us, leave me with my parents I want you to leave and never comeback... she is only 19 she thinks she very mature enough, and that I'm very immature.. i just can can handle her anymore... I'm always stressing out, I'm not happy and I don't know what to do.. so my best decision is moving out pretty soon.. and that's what I am going to do .. I just need it to write this so probably will help me feel better.