1cm dilated, no bloody show or loss of mucus plug but cramping like a witch!!!😳

Anyone else?! I haven't experienced bloody show yet, no water breaking, but have been having cramping and some BH's... can't sleep because I feel nauseated as crap! I'm 37w5days, due October 13th but Doctor saying I'm probably having her in a weeks time. 😩😩😩
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Posted at
I feel like I could've written that post! I'm due oct 12th and been having so many cramps. I'm a little over 1cm dilated and 75% effaced. 😬


Posted at
I'm 36 weeks and I'm 1cm dialated and having menstrual like cramps too not fun 😩


Posted at
No one seems to check how dilated we are here in the U.K. until we're actually in the hospital which is frustrating. Would love to know as these braxton Hicks are atrting to tire me out, not to mention the back pain :(38 weeks 2 days and feel like I've been hit by a bus! No mucus plug loss etc either 


Louise • Sep 27, 2016


Posted at
Yes same here! I'm 1cm dilated with cramps and no bloody show. Just a waiting game now. 


Posted at
Im right there with you. 39 weeks super crampy and been having braxton hicks but got checked today and no progress. Just want my son here already