hi! I'm new!

Hi! I'm new to the group.
After losing weight and finally feeling good, I went on a migraine preventative medication... a period of a year and a half on it and I'd gained 70lbs! Even when I ate well I still gained!
In April I finally convinced my doc I it couldn't do it anymore and got taken off the med. 20 lbs came off just eating healthy. I've lost 38 lbs so far in total and would like to lose another 32 minimum. It's hard to stay motivated. I go to the gym at least three times a week and eat a pretty healthy diet mixed with some Medifast supplements. 
While I was able to guilt myself into going regularly at the beginning even when I didn't feel like it, it's gets harder and harder.
Help me stay motivated! Tell me how you keep going. What are some goals I can make for myself? Any great recipes? I'm totally open!