So over this pregnancy

I love my son. Please don't think I don't but my pregnancy has just been a mess from the start. I have had a partial placenta Abruption at 13 weeks, subchronic hemorrhage, and placenta previa. They thought at one point my son had down syndrome. Which I know is not the end of the world he would be alive but it was just another thing to worry about. Then I go into preterm labor at 31 weeks. Go in last week after getting out of the hospital to be told the Procardia is not working 100% to be prepared to go into labor again soon. Go in this week to find out my sugar is over 200 so I now have to do the 3 hr test and also to be prepared to be sent to the hospital to be delivered at any point because of it. Seriously so by stopping my preterm labor it could cause harm to my baby. I was ready to kill the nurse because she griped that I hadn't done the 3 hr test yet when my doctor had told me not to last week because it could irritate my body to much. I am just ready to have my healthy son in my arms and be done with pregnancy all together. Sorry for the rant.