Tips to start labor please


I'm going to start off by saying this is my doctors idea first hand. I just had an OB appointment today and we decided to schedule a csection with hopes he will come a couple weeks early.

Here is a little background:

My first child was a boy. He weighed 10lb 10oz and was a csection baby.

My second was a little girl. She weighed 7lb 14 oz and was a VBAC.

However I am having another boy and apparently my boys are big. We are predicting he will be just as big if not bigger than my first. Therefore having him early is an option. However induction is not an option after prior csections. So I have to do what I can at home.

If he does not come early I already have a date and time he will be here.

Please if anyone has tips I would love to hear them. But please no negativity. I am already stressed and scared enough due to a bad csection before.