Am I Wrong ?

I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant . I'm in this dilemma where I don't know exactly who I'm pregnant by but my OB always tells me the time frame for my ex boyfriend adds up much more than the one night stand . me & my ex always argue & he's very verbally abusive towards me like to the point where his words drove me to literally pull a patch of my hair out & he made me almost commit suicide because his words & actions hurt so much . I don't talk to the one night stand because the gf i didn't know he had threatened to kill me and my unborn so reguardless if by the off chance she is his , she won't be seeing him - shit , he won't even know she will be born . But me and my ex talk from time to time cause we are on mutual grounds as far as just casually talking but I told him I don't want to do the DNA test & I don't want him in her in life .. like at all cause I look at it as if he can be verbally abusive to me , he will be verbally abusive to her &/or feed her lies 🙄 I guess you can kinda say I have no choice but to be a single mother at 17 years old but I guess my question is do you think it's wrong for me to feel the way I feel as far as her knowing her father ? either two are just not fit for her in my eyes I don't care where the fuck she came from 💯 is it wrong for me to be a "single mother by choice" ?