depression and pregnancy

This pregnancy has been really hard for me. This last half of it especially I have been struggling with the fact that I am depressed and it's really hard to admit that even though I know I'm going to get a beautiful baby at the end of this it is still really hard and I feel so disgusting and so gross about how I look and I feel like I'm never going to be pretty again and im just not like myself I'm two people and I miss being one person I miss being me and looking like me and I know that is so selfish but I am so sad all the time about how I am just not me and I want to be happy for my baby girl when she is born  but it's so hard to pull myself out of this funk and I don't want to bug my husband with this because he has enough on his plate and I know he is worried about being a first time dad just like I'm worried about being a first time mom. I guess I just needed to vent please no negativity on this post.