relationship troubles

Susana • 22 & in a relationship with my best friend👫💕
my boyfriend of a year is very loving & caring but sometimes he can get very judgmental about my past decisions. I lost my virginity to my first serious boyfriend when I was about 17 & when I was 16 I decided to get a tattoo in memory of my little sister & my grandmother who passed away. There's times where my boyfriend will call my tattoos "slut tattoos" because they're located on my ribs.. He'll say at times that I was stupid to "give it up so easy", since he lost his virginity at 19. I am now 22 & he is 26, I love him & I am extremely happy being with him but sometimes he can be really hurtful. I've told him how I felt when he says things like that, I even remind him that was my past, it is not who I am now. I do regret losing my virginity to that person & honestly I do regret getting the tattoos & I've been trying to get them removed.. but he's still hung up on those past mistakes. what can I do to get him to stop being so mean about things I can longer change 😔