how to deal with sexual assault?

I had always been so confused why some women put up with being sexuallyabused.i couldn't understand why they wouldn't report it to the police and have the person held responsible. That was until this month. I was sexually assaulted  3 times and can't tell anyone. I know it wasn't my fault, but I can't shake this feeling that I could have done more to prevent it. I always believe this guy when he says that he is sorry and won't do it again, and just tell him that 'it's fine' when I am not fine. 
I feel like if I tell someone, I will be ruining his, his kids, and his wife's life, and also my boyfriends. I have never in my whole life felt so alone. I can't think straight, I feel disgusting, and I am struggling to show much emotion to anyone. Has anyone ever been abused and not told anyone? How do you get them to stop? I have to see this guy most days. 😓