worried about Doppler.

So I have had a Doppler my whole pregnancy and last pregnancy. Those of you that have a Doppler know that you can hear baby moving pretty well it sounds funny but I was told specifically by the dr when he showed my how to use it with my daughter that the noises were of the baby moving around and that was at 9 weeks. So when I went to my last appointment at 9 weeks my baby had a strong heartbeat but was not moving. Dr said it was fine and she was probably sleeping. But sense then I have been leaving the Doppler on my Belly for a while trying to hear the baby move. I hear a strong heartbeat of 168 but not movement. I am now 11 weeks and I'm kind of freaked out that I heard my last baby move all the time at 9-12 weeks and this baby not once. My next appointment isn't for a weeks and a half should I go in early? (Not to be rude at all but those of you that do not have a Doppler so you couldn't know what I'm talking about please don't comment. I'll just sound like a crazy person lol)