Tuesday morning I started having contractions that were unbearable

Tuesday morning I started having contractions that were unbearable. I placed myself on bed rest till my doctors appointment on Thursday. Thursday morning we went to our doctors appointment, I was 3 cm dilated and 80% thinned out. My doctor irritated my cervix and warned that by Sunday morning we would be parents. I continued to have contractions the entire day. 11:30 pm my mucus plug slipped right on out, I immediately started having worse contractions. We called the hospital and got in touch with our midwife. By 12:30 we were admitted and on the list to get our epidural. Best decision ever. Sadly after receiving our epidural baby Gilbert's heartrate slowed, he pooped in the womb, & he'd positioned his head to where I was unable to deliver him vaginally. My worst fear had come true, I had to have a c section. We were quickly prepped and rushed to the OR. The procedure moved so quickly I barely had time to comprehend whah was going on. On Friday, September 30th we delivered the best gift ever.