First baby! Attachment issues....

Okay...soooo my first appointment I was 5w 6d and the baby was just a little dot on the screen/paper. I said to my doctor that it just doesn't feel real, but I have been having like every symptom in the book. I feel no emotional attachment to this "alien" growing inside me....I feel like by now at 10w 1d but measured 10w 3d, hearing the heartbeat and seeing a BABY!!! It should be different.... However seems so unreal like I'm not pregnant this baby isn't growing inside's like my brain is just not linking that this is my husband and I's biggest pride and joy and we (especially me) should be super excited and very attached already...I am wondering if maybe once I hit 12 weeks and the miscarriage risk goes way down it will be different, maybe my brain is just protecting me from a huge let down?? Does any one else feel this way?? Like it won't be real till the baby is in your arms?? Or maybe once you can FEEL it move EVERY day?! It's kinda driving me crazy because I want to be excited and attached..? I just don't know how to feel....any feedback would be nice...sorry for the long post.....