I had my baby during the Boycott πŸ˜‚πŸ˜³πŸ™„

Kiaraβ˜…β˜…β˜… β€’ On a level of 1-10 how mad are you that you can't troll my page? πŸ˜‚
I'm a second time mom to two boys. My first son my water never broke nor did I lose my mucus plug. Woke up one morning and contractions. My water had to be broke with my first son (I went 40+4 days). My second labor. TOTALLY DIFFERENT! Ladies listen to your body. I was waiting on that textbook case of labor.. yeah never happened. I was 40+2 days when I had this baby. I was 1-2 cm, 60%effaced, -2 station for three weeks! I tried everything to go into labor and nothing. I gave up and said he is just going to come on his own. I had been having prodromal labor for two weeks usually at night and never consistent or getting stronger. My due date was September 26. September 27th I had prodromal labor all day! Just a achy crappy feeling all day. I noticed my boobs were sore like the sore you feel when you first find out your pregnant sore. I googled "is this a sign of labor?" Didn't get much feedback to a yes or no so I stopped looking and chucked it up to I'm just anxious to give birth. I took a shower at 10:30 pm because I figured he is not coming so I may as well wash my makeup off and rest. I showered at sat on my couch for an hour with no contractions. Suddenly I felt a lot of pressure and then a trickle of liquids. Did my water break? I sat there and wondered if it had because it was still coming out and I wasn't pushing it out. So I wiped and had my husband look at it was snotty looking and kind of brownish red. I said maybe it was my mucus plug but the contractions started and got strong and consistent! They were six minutes apart, lasting 40 seconds. My mom said go to the hospital that if it's my water I need to go. I had to put my makeup on first (yes makeup is life πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚) I finally got my makeup on and made it to the hospital the contractions were definitely there. I was checked and my doctor said I was a three, 70% effaced, -1 station. I was thinking ok labor is coming finally! She came back and said the test was negative for my water breaking and that I was in labor but I was being discharged. I sat there like wtf?! Are you kidding me? My doctor said "you have to be a six for me to admit you and plus you're way to pretty to be in labor" so I asked did I need to be ugly to have a kid or? They discharged me and I was pissed! I told my husband a few weeks back that this hospital was known for doing this and that I would miss my epidural playing with them. We had decided to go to another hospital if this happened. My nurse asked what I was going to do and I said go to another hospital because the contractions were starting to hurt and I was annoyed with them. We left and got home and I laid down and said "I may as well get some rest because these contractions hurt but I'm sleepy" it was know 12am. I decided not to go to the other hospital because it was an hour drive and I didn't want to get there and be told the same thing. I started to time my contractions and they were the same six mins apart, five mins, eight mins, just everywhere! They started to last longer that's for sure. Went from 40 secs to 3mins but still six mins apart. I finally said "I'm going back to the hospital to get pain meds so I can sleep because I can't sleep through this I'm hurting" i told my husband don't wake my mom because we're going for just pain meds and coming back. (My mom stays 45 mins from me and decided to sleep over so she wouldn't miss the birth). I got back to the hospital the nurse who sen me the first time said "I thought you were going to the hospital very rudely" my husband snapped and said "she is asking for pain medication and all you have to say is that?" Mind you I had been in my room 20 mins and nobody checked on me until I hit the nurse button. She lazily came and said ok I have to check your cervix before I can give you anything. She went to check and I clamped my legs because the contractions was hurting. She said "I can't check you if you clamp your legs" I sat there thinking you have had a baby before you know how painful this can be lady. Contraction went away and she checked. She pulled her gloves off and ran to the door and said "SHE IS IN LABOR! SHE IS AT AN 8 and HAS A BULGING BAG OF WATERS! I NEED A STRETCHER" I looked at my husband and said WHAT?! My mom wasn't here! Oh no I can't be an eight that means no epidural! I asked for an epirdurla anyway and they said nope too far! I asked for pain meds via iv and they said nope it will make baby come out not breathing because you're too far. I said so I have to push naturally?! My L&D nurse said yes ma'am I'm sorry. I cried. Omg how am I going to do this I hate pain! My husband called my mom she wasn't answering! It was a nightmare going bad fast. She said you can get gas for pain. I had no choice but to take it. I inhaled the gas six times and was high. I was spinning. I started to sway back and forth. The pain was gone.. temporarily. My husband finally got my mom and she made it on time! I got to 9 1/2 cm and I felt the need to push. I couldn't push yet I wasn't a 10 and I had a little bit of my cervix still attached. I was moaning and groaning. I sounded like the hulk. I finally got to 10 and it was time to push. With each contraction I pushed. It felt like forever! Everybody kept saying "he's right there, you're doing good" but I felt nothing was changing. I got frustreTed and finally pushed him out the last contraction I felt. I felt the ring of fire but it was nothing compared to the pushing part. He finally came out. Born at 4am and 7lbs even 20ins long. Everybidybwas excited but I was tired. Then my doctor said "Kiara this is serious business you're starting to hemorrhage, this is life or death and your baby needs you here" she started to insert pills in my rectum and I told her "nothing goes in the butt, only comes out" she started laughing. She got the bleeding to stop and daddy cut the umbilical cord and saw the placenta. I didn't tear πŸ™ŒπŸΎ. I told my whole story to let you ladies know sometimes you never get the "can't walk or talk, or breathe through the contractions". Be mindful that an epidural may not come. Ask for the gas! (Seriously it saved me!) here is my baby boy JerryΒ