Doing this alone.... update!!

So I just needed a place to vent really. I split up with my bf of 4 years yesterday due to him going behind my back and disappearing all the time not telling me what he's doing. He decided to disappear all night the night before last to meet an 'old friend from when he grew up' and drove two hours to meet her. They haven't seen each other since they were little apparently and she's a 'good friend' yet he's never spoken about her before. (She lives a 9 hour flight away and was here on holiday). Anyway, he got home at 5:30am the following day. He was so secretive about it but said he would never cheat on me. Yet he logged out of his iPad so that his Facebook messages wouldn't come through right before he left that night. Now for someone that's 'just meeting an old friend' that seems abit wierd to me. Surely if you've got nothing to hide why be so secretive about it?
Anyway, what I'm trying to figure out is have I overreacted? I was so hurt when he couldn't even tell me. There have been underlying issues with our relationship for a while but this was the final straw for me so I kicked him out. We were supposed to go on holiday tomorrow and now the whole thing is ruined. Im pregnant and absolutely terrified about doing this alone. What makes it worse is that he's showing no signs of emotion or regret. He came and got his stuff and went. I see on Facebook he met her again last night... Oh and a couple of jonnys went missing from our stash so that kind of says it all really.
I'm just so hurt and don't know what to do 😢 he's so selfish about everything too!!
I guess I'm just looking for support or advice really... (Sorry about the long post)
He's now on my case every day saying how awful it will be to have this baby alone as he/she will grow up with only one parent. He said I'm not making this decision on my own as it is his life too that will change forever. He keeps saying how he grew up in a broken family and having to visit his parents on a rota had a traumatic effect on him. He thinks I'm being selfish and he thinks I'm keeping this baby to trap him. He's making this whole thing so much more difficult than it needs to be and my head is all over the place. Basically he wants me to get an abortion 😢😔