I think I'm allergic to clomid.


Anyone else experience this?

I started clomid 3 months ago. The first period I had after starting was pretty horrible. I was cramping really bad I had was totally nauseated.

I took clomid the second month and started having intense dizzy spells. I almost fell over at work a couple times. That period was the worst one of my entire life. I had vertigo, threw up, shaky and sweaty, and I was nauseated for 3 days. Then came the hives. The hives are like poison ivy, in both armpits and on my back. When they started, the entire hormonal area of my face flamed up. I turned beet red and it was awful.

The hives went away for about a week, but today they are back in full force. I have not used any new lotions, soaps, detergent or fabric softener. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, was it the clomid?