spotting with period symptoms

So I've been on my birth control Zarah for over a year. I went to the doctor to see if it would be okay to shorten my placebo days to 4 and she said it was okay. 
So I only took the 4 placebos as I was supposed to take. After my period had "stopped" I had started to spot. I've been on and off spotting for about 1-2 weeks or whenever I finished  my period. Even though I'm only spotting I'm still having regular period symptoms. I know it's normal to have spotting issues when you change the placebos and and stuff
So my questions are...
1) will this stop on its own or not?
2) if it will stop on its own how long should it take to work it's self out?
3) is it normal to have period symptoms when your only spotting? 