Mood Swings!!!!!


Hello fellow April '17 ladies.

I am 13 weeks with my first baby.

I just wanted to see how you were all getting on with your mood swings? I don't know about you but i am really struggling at the moment- very snappy with my partner (who is fiery too so doesn't go well) and it's making life pretty tough. We have gone through an awful lot since february this year- two miscarriages and the death of two of my partners grandparents- and as a result there is a strain which isn't helped by my constant happy/sad moments. How have you been coping and any tips on helping your other half understand and be more sympathetic to random bouts of moodiness? I am really hoping that as i settle into the pregnancy the hormones will level out and we can get down to enjoying this process as we are not always able to so at the mo.

Hope you are all well.
