Was I Raped?

I've changed the names in this article so as to protect my identity, because the man I will talk about threatened to sue me for slander if I tell anyone. My profile name is not my real name. 
There has been some drama and miscommunications going on in our group of friends, so this guy, Adam (name changed for security), was upset at me. I explained that the reason he was upset was due to miscommunications and I asked him if he wanted to meet up so I could explain everything. He agreed, and arranged to meet in a parking lot near my house. It was raining when we arrived so he suggested we go sit in my vehicle. He said we should sit in the back so it will be easier to talk. I oblige, and we both sat in the back seat. As soon as we started talking, he scooted closer to me and I would subtly scoot and lean as far away from him as possible. We began talking, and once I cleared up the miscommunications, he was no longer upset at me. We then began to have regular conversations ranging across several different subjects. All the while, he would run his fingers along my legs and attempt to arouse me. I just brushed him off every time and continued the conversation. At one point, we began discussing our personal sexual prefereneces (like what each other was turned on by/turned off by). We were discussing this topic in a futuristic and broad sense; we weren't saying things such as "I'd be really turned on if you did this," but rather, we said things along the line of "I don't think I'd be turned on if a guy/girl were to do this." During this discussion, apparently he became aroused because he began making more sexual advances such as trying to stick his hand down my pants, put his arm around me, fondle my breasts, etc. At every advancement, I gently but decisively said "No, I don't want to do anything like that." After he had made several advancements, and I had refused him several times, he got frustrated and stated, "Well we've been sitting in this car for 3 hours. You've been leading me on this entire time with all these conversations and such. Something is going to happen." with which I replied: "Why does something have to happen? Why can't we just continue to have conversations?" He was dissatisfied with this reponse because he proceeded to grab my legs (from their former fetal position curled into my chest) and wrap them around him. He pulled me to where I was laying on the back seat and he was above me. I asked what he was doing and he said something along the lines of, "I know you're not ready and that you don't want to do anything but you've just got to take that leap of faith. You've been teasing me for hours, so you must've know something was bound to happen. In most other cases, the girl I would be with would already be having sex with me. Let's just do it, it'll be fun." I replied "No, I'm not ready. Why do we have to have sex? I'm kind of scared. I just don't feel like having sex. I would rather just continue talking." And at this point he began to put all his full weight on me, attempting to get close enough to kiss me. I outstretched my arms and was supporting all of his weight, trying to keep him far enough away to where he couldn't kiss me. I continued holding him up while I was laying down and he continued putting all his weight on me saying, "C'mon, let's just do it. It'll be fun. Something's gotta happen." I continued stating I wasn't ready. I told him I was scared. I told him I didn't want to have sex. I never said these things very forcefully because, to be honest, I was scared. By the look on his face, he seemed as if he had already decided that he was going to have sex with me. I was trying to be as gentle but firm as possible because I did not want him to get angry. After about 3 minutes of holding him off of me while he was trying to kiss me, I went limp and resigned. I never said "Fine, let's have sex." I just wordlessly went limp. He proceeded to quickly pull my pants off, his pants off, and penetrate me. The entire time, I was not very into it and I just kind of laid there, waiting for him to be finished. After he finished, he left. 
Later on, I texted him and told him I no longer wanted to be friends with him or talk to him because I did not feel the sex was consensual. He became very angry, claiming that he never raped me, and that he would take me to court for slander, and send me to prison if I told anyone. 
So what do I do? I don't want to go to court because we are both young and he has so much potential and I don't want to ruin his life and send him to prison. I'm not even sure if this was rape. I was hoping that anyone who read this, and has some knowledge on the subject, could kindly comment in their opinion.
I live in Texas. He is 18 and I am 17. There was no previous relationship before he became 18 so Texas's Romeo and Juliet Law does not apply to this situation. Is this statutory rape? Is it actual rape as well? Was my resigning into the sex after holding him off of me and saying no for several minutes considered consent? 
I am very confused, and I have been very upset every since it happened. I would really appreciate any insight from others. 
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read and/or reply.