gonorrhea? (no pic)

(Disclaimer, please do not bother writing anything like "whore" or that I "shouldn't be having unprotected sex with him". I have a paraguard (hormone free) IUD. We've been together for years and have a child together. Yes he cheated on me in the past but I was tested and did my best to trust him again. I am not looking for "you're dumb" answers. Only help. Thank you)
I've only ever been with one sexual partner but I am his 5th (from what he tells me. We've had many MANY issues with him being dishonest). During our relationship he cheated on me once with a virgin (she was clean. We've personally talked) over a year ago. I recently went to the doctor because I thought I had a yeast infection. They tested me for pregnancy, yeast infection, UTI, bacterial vaginitis and a few other things and it all came back 100% normal/negative. I had tests done and am finding out in a few days but it looks pretty certain I have gonorrhea. I was tested less than 4 months ago and came back negative. I also heard it's not an STD that can go unnoticed for long so does this mean he cheated on me again recently? (He swears he hasn't done ANYTHING) For anyone who has had it I have a few questions.
Did it cause infertility for you?
What were YOUR symptoms?
If I gave and received oral from infected partner does that mean I could accidentally pass it to my son through kissing him?
What would you do in my situation?
For anyone wondering I'll include a list of my symptoms. Maybe ya'll ladies can give me some input if it could possible be anything else.
•itching "down there" (horribly)
•burning during sex and while urinating
•swelling "down there"
•horrid smell
•yellow discharge
•late period (negative tests. no HCG)
•random pimples "down there"
•frequent urination
•pain in my lower stomach (not like cramps)
•horrible (icepack worthy) pain "down there" after sex
My partner also had testicle pain recently but NO discharge or anything FROM WHAT I KNOW.
Please. Can anyone help? I'm very young and feel like my life is over because of this.