drunk mischief ✌🏼️

Right ladies, time for a Sunday giggle. Let's hear those funniest/embarrassing/mischievous drunk stories of yours. 
Mine; when I was 21 I worked in a pub as a cook and barmaid, it was middle of the summer and my boss brought me a beer just before my lunch time shift ended to help me cool down from cooking. 
In the hot weather it went down a tad to easy and it lead to more than just one...4 hours later I'm completely wrecked (it's only 7pm) and I thought it would be a good idea to stand on a stool behind the bar and show EVERYONE my 'hilarious' underwear (they had the Cookie Monster on them...🙄) in doing so I fell off the stool knocking myself unconscious on the way down on a shelf, my boss and friend caught me before I hit the floor, I then proceeded to violently throw up all the days alcohol all over us three...I then cried for my mum. 
Your turn 😬👌🏼👑