Tampon Hack 🙈

I don't know exactly what I would call these (comment below ideas) but these are a great hack for at school, work, ext. (you can even color code them for days of the week 😊)
I don't know about you but I always use a panty liner with my tampons. So to keep them together while I'm on the go I made these 🙃
1st you need your tampons obviously then your panty liners. Wrap the liner around the tampon long ways (so that it is almost completely covering I Tampon like a blanket).
2nd you take your little hair ties (ya know, the little round rubber ones that they use for rainbow loom or whatever) and tie it around the combineation tampon/liner. It make take two loops depending on how big they are.
And ta-da! You have a little..whatever you decide to call it lol