me again 👋🏻

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
Hello, I got several helpful answers on my last post but would just like to see if anyone else can help me. So I have been on depo since March making it 8 months I have been on the shot. Since June I haven't had a period and have obviously been loving life. I've done research online and yes I know irregular bleeding, breakthrough bleeds and all that jazz are part of a side affect. I am having one of the heaviest periods I think I have ever had. It's only been heavy today and there are a lot of clots. I have had anemia but haven't been tested recently since coming off my course of tablets. Could anyone tell me if I need to see/speak to my doctor or what to do because I'm in a lot of pain and am bleeding through my pads like there's no tomorrow. My doctor said that if I have any bleeding to call but I don't want it to be for nothing! Please no depo shot haters or 'that ruined me' I'm very sorry you had a shit time but I'm actually having a great time on it asides from this bleed. 
SIDE NOTE: I got my last shot 1st September and so I'm in the middle. I am sexually active and don't use condoms. I'm 20 and have never suffered with clots before this badly. 
Thank you to all who answer and can help me. I don't want anything patronising I'm not majorly concerned I'm just in so much pain x